Category: Admin
Featured on Newport – Bermuda website 12 Nov 2021
Mary Martin and Eric Irwin, owners of the J/122 Alliance 52770. Photo by Bill Shea
Time has passed since the 2018 Newport Bermuda Race, and despite the challenges of the pandemic, more than 150 boat captains have already committed to race in 2022—prepping their boats, …
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Crew members added to the J/122 Alliance website are provided directions for setting their password, updating their profile and setting availability for events. Below are directions on how to log in for the first time and set your password. If there is a problem logging in and setting your password, please email the Skipper (Eric Irwin & Mary Martin) for help! …
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There is a handy feature built into the crew website that permits adding the J/122 Alliance calendar to your own. This means you don’t need to type in the schedule manually. It will show all boat events displayed on the website calendar. This feature supports most electronic calendars including Outlook, Google, Apple Calendar and a universal Export to XML version. …
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A Crew tutorial is available that provides a website explanation and how to use Crew Manager features. This has pictures and a bulleted list with explanations. If you submit a change in your availability for a scheduled event, the Skipper is automatically notified via email.
Click to View – Crew Member Directions for the Team Website …
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We have introduced a new J/122 Alliance team website. This has a calendar to list all events for which the boat will be scheduled. The crew is able to set their availability for each event. The site displays a calendar post integrated with a crew signup feature. An email notification / reminder for upcoming events is included. …
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Recent Comments
Congrats to 1st place winners in ORC Class Six!
Competitor Bulletin #13 released this morning now has COVID testing options arranged by the Bermuda Race organizing committee. Looks like a simpler process.
Eric and Mary to meet Bill, Gardner and Erin at Borden Light near entrance at 1000. Will quickly scope out dock we are going to, Eric to drive all to Alliance. Please bring your lunch. We will have warm beverages, beer and rum to share.
Alliance Racing
For Sunday, we will be doing some mast wiring work between 09-1100 with Bill. If you can come early to help (two trips up the mast) that would be great. We picked up some J122 Zig Zag Sails to check out between 1100-1500 as well as our recut Code 75. From Zig Zag we will got a Code Zero, A1, A2, a lite Jib and M/H jib. So some batten stuffing prep also required. We also toured Zig Zag and got to see their new bottom paint job. We have beer and Dark & Stormy. Please bring your own lunches. Good discussion with Bruce Berriman today about inspection and did get to fly the Code 55. Kevin Farrar recut the luff and leech so flies much nicer.
See some of you tonight at CHNYC.
Alliance Racing